Sam was
to the song
Lost In The Moment
The Pale White
Partly cloudy
27.3°C Partly cloudy


Technical Cofounder, hackathon winner, filmmaker, filter coffee enthusiast and rider of bikes.


Oct 2020 - Today
Frontend Developer / Technical leader
During my role at outfit I built templates using bleading edge web technologies in order to deliver consistent marketing materials. I worked heavily with font and colour management design systems. I developed technology to ensure that text displays in a readable format no matter the conditions. I created design systems and best practise which allowed for developers to utilise the outfit platform in order to build templates. I worked as part of a strong team to deliver on tight deadlines. I worked with clients in order to translate there requirements into marketing templates with a high level of detail


Aug 2018 - Oct 2020
Digital producer and front-end developer
While working for Katanya I was contracted to PwC where I have built tools and content for PwC AU and PwC Global. I also contributed to the Katanya website.

International Alumni Job Network

Nov 2017 - Aug 2018
Technical CO Founder and CTO
This role involved solo development of a global startup based in Brisbane. I built a job board and news website which contained elements such as login sessions, search functionality, progressive web application functionality and an admin Content Management System. I was responsible for all parts of the project including management, SEO, deployment, design and testing, promoting the IAJN platform and dealing with the requirements of more than 200 international companies.
QUT Accelerator:
The start up was supported by the commercial arm of QUT, Bluebox. Working in a startup accelerator for a year has taught me business, networking and client management skills.
